Personal Communication Devices Policy - Alberta Education

Adult supervision of school property starts at 8:25 am, so it is best that children do not arrive earlier than this. Playground supervision is provided at specified recess breaks and after school until 3:40 pm.
Everyone is reminded to dress according to the weather as students will have 3 recess breaks throughout the day and it is best for everyone to be comfortable and safe while outside. Students must remain on the school grounds at recess.
During extreme weather, recess will be supervised indoors for all students. If the temperature is too cold students may be allowed to remain inside for recess at the discretion of the administration. It is important that students dress appropriately for cold, rain, snow, and sunny conditions.
If your child becomes ill and needs to go home, parents will be notified and asked to pick up the student.
If your pick-up routine is going to be altered for the day, please make a note in their agenda so that teachers are aware of the change in plans. This is especially important for younger students who may get confused about pick-up arrangements.
If your child is a bus student, please notify your bus driver if they will not be on the bus home.
Student Information and Privacy (FOIP): We do not provide information regarding students to unauthorized persons. We will not divulge telephone numbers, addresses, or information regarding a child’s attendance without the authority of the parents or guardians. At the start of the year, we will request your permission to allow photos of your child to appear in our newsletter, on Facebook, or in the local paper (The Vulcan Advocate often covers events and activities at VPE.) If you would prefer that your child’s image not appear in any media, please let the office staff know.
In the event that a student must miss school, please notify us by 9:00 am. We use “School Messenger” (download the app or use the link below) to report lates and absences. If we do not receive notification, a call will go out to let you know that your child has not arrived at school.
Administrative Procedure 151: Resolving Concerns
“Parents and members of the public have a right to make inquiries into the conduct of operations of the public school system. In the interests of open communication, inquiries shall first be directed to employees most directly involved in the operations in question. If the parent or member of the public is not satisfied with the response at that level, he/she is
encouraged to follow the lines of authority as appropriate.”
The channels of communication for parents, groups or school councils to address concerns about school issues or Board policy shall be the:
Palliser Admin Procedure 151: Parent/Public Inquiries and Concerns
On rare occasions emergency situations may arise that may force the closure or evacuation of division schools. These emergency situations may occur in relation to, but not limited to, inclement weather and other extremes of nature, mechanical failure, acts of vandalism, fire or bomb threats. If such situations arise, the health and safety of students and employees will be of primary importance.
Administrative Procedure #130: Emergency School Closure
The following letter from the Superintendent outlines Palliser’s protocol for high risk behaviors:
Dear Parents:
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you of Palliser Regional Schools’ Threat Assessment Protocol in response to high-risk student behaviors. In order to enhance a sense of safety and security for all in our schools, Palliser Regional Schools has zero
tolerance for high-risk behaviors. High-risk behaviors include, but are not limited to, possession of weapons, bomb threats and threats to kill or injure others. Should any student engage in behavior which threatens or appears to threaten the safety of others,
our protocol for dealing with high-risk behaviors will be activated. (Should you wish to review Administrative Procedure #317 – Threat Assessment Protocol, please check out our website at It would be helpful if you would discuss this policy with your child(ren). We appreciate your support in ensuring our schools are safe environments for your child(ren).
Superintendent of Schools
Learning is a life-long continuous process. Learning occurs effectively when there is ownership of the learning, and active engagement of the learner; therefore students will be responsible for:
● Working hard and doing their best
● Paying attention to direction
● Participating in classroom activities
● Completing assignments
● Using time effectively
New student registration available here.
Use this app to complete permission forms, pay fees and order hot lunch!
Click here for our school calendars and new bell times.
Click here for our 2024 school supply lists.
Check out our current Education Plan.